Wednesday, June 8, 2011


life is complicated. and i don't think i do anything to make it any easier. maybe its just the way my mind works. maybe i need a new brain, because the one i got is...different. i don't know how to explain it, but it is.

i think i over complicate my life. and it seems the same problems i was dealing with three years ago are the same ones i'm dealing with today. the only difference is i'm a 100 pounds lighter and i'm not as suicidal.

i was reading through an old blog i had long forgot about. some random guy on the internet found it and was concerned about how i ended it abruptly. so he contacted me through an email address from that blog to check up on me. it surprised me, mainly because i forgot about most of my adventures in Inglewood but after sending me a link to that blog i rediscovered everything. and its funny, because i don't recognize that person at all.

i recognize the problems, but that person isn't me. it was like finding out that the twin you thought you had, is actually you looking in a mirror.

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