Monday, June 13, 2011

i've got confetti in my eyes

and its blinding me.

i've been back in georgia for almost two weeks, and as each day ends the chances of me ever leaving slowly evaporate. when i left cali for the summer i had every intention of going back, but now i don't know. i gave away everything i owned. everything. the only things i own are in the two suitcases i brought back with me. who would have thought i could pack up two years of my life into two suitcases.

i don't know what i'm doing. i really just wanna go walking and never look back.


  1. Just slap yourself and the confetti will fall from your eyes.

    Btw U liek totes hve the gr8st blog title evaaah! Were'd it cum from bitchtits?

  2. im a lil confused at the last part. are u referring to the blog title,lifeless sleep or the post title. the blog title comes from this book i was writing, because ive had 70,000 blogs and was tired of writing about my life. so the first few posts are part of that story, but somehow this turned into another blog. GO FIGURE.

    now the post title i cant remember exactly where i stole it from. but im pretty sure it was someone elses blog title i just cant remember whose.

  3. Someone elses blog title indeeeeed hahaha :)

    gnawwww luff yooh two, exy!

  4. Two years already?! Where did they go? Gah!
    I used to be able to get my life into one 100 litre bergen: it was so simple then. Funny how we collect crap, and then need some guru to tell us to de-clutter and simplify. =]
