Saturday, April 16, 2011

What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?



the death of a legend.

i don't know the point of this blog. its almost six in the morning and i can see the sun rising. or i can see the sky getting brighter. but either way this post is pointless like a lot of the other things i end up doing. like how i met a guy. well another guy since the other one got arrested two days ago. and we've been texting. and he asks me whether i would be open for a relationship. this caught me off guard, because o one ever wants to wife me up after a 2 days of conversations. i'm usually the guy they call for a good time, ot the guy they get on one knee and propose to.i mean, i'm no x. i'm just a j. but he asks me, and i say something along the line of "if i find a guy and we click and i enjoy spending time with him then i'd definitely be open to a relationship, but we're nowhere near that point because we've only been talking for two days."

and i thought that would be the end of it, but no. he dropped a bomb on me. apparently me and him originally had a quick fling or were talking or was doing something back in October of 2010. but i don't remember any of this. October was when i met the love of my life Alex, so I sat there trying to place this guy, but i couldn't. I'm terrible at names, but I never forget a face. so either this guy is making up stuff, has me confused with some other guy, or I have a new stalker. and if thats the case then i'm glad I'mmoving because so far I've had the worst luck with guys in this apartment.

1 comment:

  1. To answer the question: It's a contradiction. The two cannot exist at the same time.
