Friday, February 18, 2011

terrible person i am not

i'm done calling myself a terrible person. i'm not a terrible person. i still believe i'm the nicest guy you'll ever meet, and i want nothing but the best for those i care for, and if i can help them in any way i would. most would look at me and call me a liar for that statement. most people don't know me. they would say i'm aggressive. say i'm angry. call me mean. but they fail to see, but mostly understand who i am. none of these people have ever seen me angry. they've seen me frustrated, irked, or maybe a little upset. but we all have our moments. just because i call you a stupid bitch, doesn't mean i don't love you. it actually means i do care. because sometime you need to hear this. you need to be called out on your bullshit, and able to deal with it. i'm not a terrible person, i'm not judgemental, i'm just me. and i want all of you to succeed. i grew up in a certain place. in a certain time. and witnessed certain things, that the majority of my friends will never understand, and even more of them will never know about. i am the way i am because of the things i went through and the things i observed. i'm just here trying my hardest to change my surroundings, and one of these days i'm going to win.

1 comment:

  1. Everything from "i'm not a terrible person" to "i want all of you to succeed" could have been writen by me. That's creepy as hell.
