Sunday, December 26, 2010

the one in which the hero leaves the villain

The rain trampled on the hood of my car as we sat silently inside my lime-green pickup truck. The neighborhood kids called her “the Abomination,” because of the quiet growl she makes whenever I press the brakes, but she was always Hulk to me and Betsy to the guy who stared at me across the books that cozily existed between us.

He was a nice young boy who came from a good family. He went to a good school, had a great job, and still found time to hang with me. He was everything I wanted to be and for some reason he chose me. It wasn’t like he had a choice though. We lived in a small town, so when you found another guy that also likes guys, then you have one of two choices.

a. Immediately fall in love and adopt foreign babies

b. Ignore each other like you both have the plague

c. Play it cool, become friends, and fuck like rabbits

And we chose option C, except one drunken night we somehow ended up making it official, like a bunch of heterosexuals, and now here we are, inside the Hulk. Sitting silently in the middle of an empty parking lot watching as the stars fell gracefully from the sky. I closed my eyes for just one second to make a wish,

I hope this goes well.”

And by the time I opened them he had already made his move, pouncing on me like a dog in heat. Before I could say no his cherry flavored tongue was down my throat.

Great,” I thought “I’m gonna die.”

Or atleast I thought I thought it. Because he quickly pulled away and gave me a look of confusion.

What’s wrong babe?” he asked, like a hurt animal.

Fuck, that was supposed to have been a part of my inner monologue. The shits been fuckin up on me lately. You weren’t suppose to hear that babe. Everythings good though. Continue please,” and he did.

He ravished my mouth like a pack of lionesses attacking a hurt gazelle in a savanna. Once he was done with my mouth he moved downward. First to my neck, then to my chest, and when he reached my mid-torso he slowly began counting every rib in my body with a lick, before he began to kiss my stomach more haphazardly. He paused for a second, did a couple Hail Marys and quickly attacked his favorite destination on my body with his mouth. I was in heaven.

Fuck! I’m going to die!” I thought as I began to sweat and feel my throat tingle, but once again my thoughts escaped my mind and exited through my mouth. And this time they were greeted by a tirade of comments firing from the boys mouth.

What the fuck J! What’s wrong!”

Nothing,” I said and motioned for him to continue, but this time he didn’t. He wiped the saliva off his mouth, pulled some gum out of his pocket, stuck a piece into his mouth, and pulled his hair back away from his face.

What the fuck is wrong J! Tell me now!”

Fine!” I yelled, “I can’t do this anymore. Its not working. We’re done kid. I’m sorry.”

You’re done?” he said half smiling “You can’t be fucking done J, we’re good. I love you.”


That word again. That four letter word that built me up and broke me into a million tiny pieces the last time I believed someone actually loved me. If this wasn’t the perfect reason to end this farce of a relationship, then there wasn’t a reason out here.

I’m sorry kid. You don’t love me. You don’t know what love is. Love is dead and so are we, I’m sorry. I really am, but we should have never been. I was drunk when I asked you, I don’t even remember asking. I just remember waking up beside you the next morning with my ring around your finger. This is why I don’t drink, because I do stupid shit and I black out. I’m sorry kid, I really am, I hope we can still be friends.”

And that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The F word. FRIENDS; / My ex used that line on me and I wanted to strangle her with her own hair. Her long beautiful purple hair, so I can only imagine how the kid felt. I never felt he was a hundred percent emotionally there, and his reaction only confirmed my suspicions.

Friends, fuck that shit. We were never friends in the first place. You’re just being fucking ridiculous J, as always. No we can’t be friends. Your reasons are stupid. And youre being a fuckin fag right now! But its cool. Fuck this shit. Fuck this relationship. And fuck Betsy. I was fuckin your dad the whole time anyway. Ask him how my ass taste!”

And then it was over. He got out of the Hulk, slammed the door, broke the window in the process, and disappeared into the rain. He was gone and I was finally free again. But he was fucking my dad. THAT BITCH.


  1. I love how in the beginning you said "you have one of two choices" yet gave out three. :P Also, I couldn't help but to see myself in this story somewhere. ;D

    I loved this.

  2. well babe, theres always three options. te right one. the wrong one. and the one i fuckin choose. so you know. i always chose option three, cause i hate people telling me what to do.
