Tuesday, December 28, 2010

the one in which a mysterious figure comes to save the day

The hero was slain, but my world continued to turn, and why shouldn't it. Who was I to think I was some forgotten son sent to save the world from all the gore and horror it unleashed upon itself. Who was I to think I was more important than the blue beetle that crawled across the palm of my hand as I tried to get up. Who was I?

"You're motherfuckin JJ Franz bitch!" a voice from above me said as I began to feel a hand being placed upon my scalp and pulling me upwards towards the sky.

Ouch is what I would have screamed if the words had not escaped me, or maybe GOD, IS THAT YOU, would have been more poignant in the moment, but neither mattered, because as soon as my eyes came back into focus I was lost in a sea of green. His eyes was a vast sea full of hope and desire and I just wanted to remain lost in them until forever ended. He was the most beautiful dreaded creature I had ever came across, and his skin was like chocolate. If I ate chocolate, this would be my favorite.

"So you still don't eat chocolate, eh? I assumed that was a phase, but I guess I assumed wrong" the green eyed man said with the calmest, deepest voice my ears had the pleasure to hear.

"You, you, you heard that?"

"Yeah, I mean I'm not deaf or anything, and you were just talking. Was I not suppose to hear that?" he said with a smirk before offering his hand to help me stand. A hand with the words "LIFE" and "DEATH" carved into them.

"So...um, yeah. You heard all of that? Vast sea? Lost? Beautiful? Chocolate?"


"Oh, okay. Not embarrassing at all"

"Its cool J, I've known you long enough to not be weirded out by you,and after seeing you get your ass whooped by that pansy I think the whole talking to yourself thing is pretty insignificant."

"Yeah man, I've been having this problem with the inner-monologue thin---How the fuck do you know my name?"

"You really don't remember me?"

"Green eyed black man, I'd think I'd remember you."

"Good point, but you obviously don't," he said sinking his head a little. "Its okay though, no one seems to remember me. Its like I'm invisible or something. But you should really get that eye looked at, looks like someone spit battery acid at you in the middle of childbirth."

"Yeah, maybe you're right. the HUlks over here," I said pointing back towards the empty parking lot, "I think I have a first aid kit."


"My baby! You'll understand when you see her."

And he did. His green eyes lit up when he first saw her. He took the palm of his hands and ran them across the bed of the truck before plopping himself down on it and staring at the full moon that paraded across the sky.

"So you're really into this whole comic book thing, eh?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"So whats your chosen power? Whats your ability?"

"Emphatic mimicry, you know,like Peter Petrelli from Heroes. I'm too indecisive to just choose one, and then there's the side of me that wants to do it all."

"You're still the same J I rememeber."

"How do you know my name?"

"So, you wouldn't happen to be a cheerleader would you?"

"No. Why would it matter?"

"It would make what I'm about to do even better."

"Which is?"


He screamed before grabbing my bloodied face and pulling it towards his. As soon as his lips touched mine it was as if I had been transported to a different universe. None of my problems existed. The pain dissolved. And the rain evaporated. I was in bliss, everything felt right, until it didn't. Until I remembered I didn't know who this beautiful, green-eyed, dreaded creature was. He knew me, but I didn't know him. What if this was some new plot to destroy me and destroy my world. Was he a distraction? Was this even real? WHO IS HE!!!!

"Don't fight it J, just go with it. You know me, I promise. Just go with it. Go with it."

And I did. I let down my guard. Knocked down my walls, and lost myself in him. Life was good for a moment, and then it was over. And for a second time in one night, another man disappeared into the night, but this one left no name. The only thing that remained was the marks on my hands.




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